
Let's get some test files first:

mv gfastar/docs/testFiles-gfastats/* .
gfastats -h
cat random1.fasta
Summary statistics:
gfastats random1.fasta
Tabular output:
gfastats random1.fasta -t
Change locale:
gfastats large_input.fasta.gz --locale en_US.UTF-8
Full output:
gfastats random1.fasta --nstar-report
Report by sequence:
gfastats random1.fasta --seq-report
Original file:
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa
Line length:
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa --line-length 2
gfastats random1.fasta Header2 -ofa
Subset with bed:
gfastats random1.fasta -e <(echo Header2) -ofa
cat random1.fasta.bed`
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -e random1.fasta.bed
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -i random1.fasta.bed
Size of components:
gfastats random1.fasta -s s
gfastats random1.fasta -s c
gfastats random1.fasta -s g
gfastats random1.fasta -b a
BED coordinates:
gfastats random1.fasta -b s
gfastats random1.fasta -b c
gfastats random1.fasta -b g
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa --sort largest
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa --sort descending
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa --sort random1.sort
gfastats random1.gfa2 -o gfa2
GFA2 to FASTA conversion:
gfastats random1.gfa2 -o fasta
GFA2 to GFA1 conversion:
gfastats random1.gfa2 -o gfa
gfastats random2.gfa -o gfa
gfastats random2.gfa -o fasta
GFA1 to GFA2:
gfastats random2.gfa -o gfa2
GFA1 no sequence:
gfastats random2.noseq.gfa -o gfa
GFA1 no sequence:
gfastats random2.noseq.gfa -o fa
Homopolymer compression:
gfastats random1.fasta --homopolymer-compress 1 -ofa
Find terminal overlaps:
gfastats random5.findovl.gfa -ogfa
gfastats random5.findovl.gfa --discover-terminal-overlaps 3 -ogfa
Discover paths:
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa | grep -v "^P" > test.gfa
gfastats test.gfa -ogfa
gfastats test.gfa -ogfa2 --discover-paths
Superimpose AGP:
gfastats random1.fasta -a random1.agp -ofa
SAK reverse complement:
cat random1.rvcp.sak
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa
gfastats random1.fasta -k random1.rvcp.sak -ofa
Other SAK instructions:
cat random1.instructions.sak
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -1 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -2 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -3 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -4 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa2 -k <(head -4 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -5 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa2 -k <(head -5 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -6 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa2 -k <(head -6 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa2 -k <(head -6 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ogfa2 -k <(head -7 random1.instructions.sak)
gfastats random1.fasta -ofa -k <(head -8 random1.instructions.sak)