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Session Materials

Introduction to BlobToolKit

Schematic showing how BlobToolKit Viewer is driven by a blobdir, which is made using blobtools and input mapping blast and busco files

Demo 1

Launch Gitpod Workspace

When you launch the Gitpod workspace, these tasks have already been done for you:

  1. Conda/mamba has been installed
  2. BlobToolKit (BTK) viewer and api docker containers are already running with an example dataset
  3. /workspace/glClaSqua9 folder is ready with the assembly fasta file and mapped reads, blast hits, busco files, etc


We are going to work with an initial PacBio HiFi genome assembly of a sample of Cladonia squamosa, the dragon cladonia lichen.

  • Explore the Gitpod interface
  • Explore the BTK viewer
  • Explore the input files
  • Install BTK command line tools
  • Create a blobdir
  • Add read depth data to the blobdir
  • Add blast hits to the blobdir
  • View the blobdir in the BTK viewer


  • Explore the Gitpod interface

    • left: file browser
    • top right: preview window / editor
    • bottom right: linux terminal
  • Explore the BTK viewer

    • the plot represents contigs in a genome assembly
    • each circle is a contig, the size is proportional to the length
    • the X axis is GC content of contig
    • the Y axis is the sequencing coverage or read depth of that contig
    • the colours are best blast hits
  • Explore the input files

    cd /workspace/glClaSqua9
    Tip: use less to quickly check what large files contain

  • Install BTK command line tools

    mamba create -n btk -c conda-forge python=3.9 -y
    mamba activate btk
    pip install "blobtoolkit[full]"
    You should see a bash prompt beginning with [btk], and if you type blobtools you should see some help text

  • Create a blobdir

    The first step is to create a yaml file with some very minimal information.

    cd /workspace/glClaSqua9
    code glClaSqua9.yaml
    In the text editor that opens top right, paste in this information and save it:
      alias: glClaSqua9
      record_type: contig
      name: Cladonia squamosa
      taxid: 174074
    Now, run this command to create a new folder: glClaSqua9_blobdir
    blobtools create \
        --fasta glClaSqua9.fasta \
        --meta glClaSqua9.yaml \
    And take a look at the contents of glClaSqua9_blobdir

  • Add read depth data to the blobdir

    To add the sequencing coverage or read depth for each contig from a bam file to the same blobdir:

    blobtools add \
        --cov ./precomputed/mapped_reads/glClaSqua9.m64174e.bam \
        --threads 8 \

  • Add blast hits to the blobdir

    We've now got the GC (X axis) and Cov (Y axis), so all we need is some way of colouring the contigs by their best hits to known databases. The precomputed/diamond folder has diamond blast hits in a tabular format, so we can add that.

    But this time we need one additional input - the NCBI taxonomy - because BTK needs it to extrapolate hits at different taxonomy levels (such as phylum, class, order, etc)

    mkdir ./taxdump
    cd    ./taxdump
    tar -xzf new_taxdump.tar.gz
    cd ../
    Now we can add the diamond blast hits, telling BTK to get additional taxonomy information from this folder:
    blobtools add \
        --hits ./precomputed/diamond/glClaSqua9.diamond.busco_genes.out \
        --taxrule bestsumorder \
        --taxdump ./taxdump \

  • View the blobdir in the BTK viewer

    Move the blobdir into a folder that has all the blobdirs:

    cp -r glClaSqua9_blobdir /workspace/btk_example/src/data/example/
    Send an instruction to the BTK API to reload and reindex that folder:
    curl $(gp url 8000)/api/v1/search/reload/testkey
    Refresh the browser top right, and click on the new dataset: glClaSqua9_blobdir. By default, BTK viewer shows binned plots if there are more than 2000 contigs, so to get contigs plotted as circles, click on Settings > shape > circle


Add the other diamond blast hit file in ./precomputed/diamond/glClaSqua9.diamond.reference_proteomes.out. Hint: change the blobtools add --hits command above by changing the input filename, and also change the taxrule to --taxrule bestsumorder_blastx. If you don't change the taxrule name, blobtools will assume you are referring to the same field, and will not overwrite it.

cd /workspace/glClaSqua9

blobtools add \
    --hits ./precomputed/diamond/glClaSqua9.diamond.reference_proteomes.out \
    --taxrule bestsumorder=bestsumorder_blastx \
    --taxdump ./taxdump \

cp -r glClaSqua9_blobdir /workspace/btk_example/src/data/example/

curl $(gp url 8000)/api/v1/search/reload/testkey

Demo 2

You can add any categorical value to a contig, it does not have to be a blast hit.

For example, the deep-learning based tool tiara can very rapidly estimate if a contig is a eukaryote, bacteria, or organelle.

So, to very quickly assess if your eukaryotic genome assembly has bacteria in it, you could colour it using tiara. In this demo we install tiara, run tiara, and add the tiara categories to BTK.

  • Install tiara:

    # mamba create -n tiara -c conda-forge tiara python=3.7 -y
    mamba activate  tiara

  • Run tiara:

    cd /workspace/glClaSqua9
    tiara -i glClaSqua9.fasta -o glClaSqua9.tiara -t 8 --pr --tf all -m 1000
    mamba deactivate

  • Add tiara results to blobdir:

    blobtools add \
        --text glClaSqua9.tiara \
        --text-delimiter "\t" \
        --text-cols "sequence_id=identifiers,class_fst_stage=tiara" \
        --text-header \
        --key \

  • Copy the blobdir and update the BTK API
        cp -r glClaSqua9_blobdir /workspace/btk_example/src/data/example/
        curl $(gp url 8000)/api/v1/search/reload/testkey

Demo 3

We can add other file types as well:

  • BUSCO full_table.tsv

    blobtools add \
        --busco ./precomputed/busco/glClaSqua9.busco.eukaryota_odb10.full_table.tsv \
        --busco ./precomputed/busco/glClaSqua9.busco.fungi_odb10.full_table.tsv \

  • Numeric fields

    blobtools add \
        --bedtsvdir ./precomputed/window_stats/ \

  • Copy the blobdir and update the BTK API

        cp -r glClaSqua9_blobdir /workspace/btk_example/src/data/example/
        curl $(gp url 8000)/api/v1/search/reload/testkey